Saturday, November 12, 2011

How To Optimize Your Website Like The Experts

By Ursula Ennechy

Search engine optimization is an art, a science, a mystery and, to the inexperienced, a great big pain. But it need not be so! A little learning goes a long way towards demystifying the whole process. The ideas that follow will show how small changes to a website can have big impacts on the way search engines treat it.

If you have two pages on your website that are quite similar and you only want one of the pages to be indexed towards your Page Rank, then only include that one on your site map. Try to bury links to the other page in JavaScript so that the search spider doesn't find it at all.

Distinguish your post titles using H1 tags. To Google and other search engines, H1 tags are the signal that the marked copy is the page's title. Make sure the words in your H1 tagged title also appear in your story, as search engines will inspect the body copy to make sure the title and the post content are consistent with each other.

Avoid flash as much as possible if you want to enhance your search engine optimization. Flash is not accessible to the algorithms search engines employ, rendering the content you create almost useless from a search engine optimization standpoint. Instead, use images and text menus as these are easily detected and factored into your ranking on search results pages.

Develop your SEO during the site creation. If you wait until after the site is designed and created to optimize the site to search engines, you will find that it is much more time-consuming and even quite a nuisance. Develop your SEO strategy and optimize as you create so your site is tailored from the start and there is no going back over your content.

Help drive traffic to your website through search engines. Your site will get the best search engine results if you make it spider friendly. Since a spider can only read text, it is important to tag all the images you use on your site. Make sure the description you give is keyword rich.

As you can see, you need to increase your site's traffic in order to get ranked higher. This is possible to anyone who is willing to do what it takes. Getting your site ranked with the top search engines is highly possible, and can be done by anyone who will give it a chance.

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