Saturday, November 12, 2011

How to Create a Squeeze Page- Points to Remember

By Marty Don

Understanding how to create a squeeze page has become a vital part of any company's e-marketing campaign. It ensures that targeted customers are directed to the proper products or services of which they are searching for. This signifies that they don't have to waste time trawling through pages and pages before spotting what they are searching for. It essentially gives an extension of their initial search request, or the link which they clicked on.

Since you would be asking complete strangers to enter their information, you have to see to it that they are at ease in doing so. Introduce yourself and make them feel that they understand something about the person they are giving their information to. Add a video, picture, or an audio message of you so that you could build rapport at your first point of communication.

On how to create a squeeze page which is professionally written, it must have just adequate information on it to build curiosity to attract the visitor to leave their information in your opt in form. It is also great thinking to have a pop window that would pop up to remind them of what they would me losing out on if they try to close the web page but these could be annoying to the visitor so this would be completely up to you, but if you know what split testing is you could try one page with a pop up and one without so you could compare the results. This pop up window should also contain an opt-in form.

You must also have your opt in form positioned above the fold of the page so that it could be seen by the viewer without the need to scroll down as some visitors will not bother to scroll down at all. On how to create a squeeze page simple yet good-looking, avoid moving graphics, as these will be a distraction, make for a good capture page and one in which the visitor would remember.

These are some of the things that you should keep in mind while creating a squeeze page. It is really important to test your squeeze page if it is giving good results or not.

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